Can I Get A Discount On My Motorcycle Insurance?

Like any other type of insurance, Motorcycle insurance is something that you can shop around and find multiple offers at various rates. Most people have heard of somebody getting a significant drop in their car insurance after switching to a new provider. 

If you have had a traffic violation in the last few years, you will most likely be required to have a higher premium than someone with a clean record. If you want to save even more money on your policy, you could consider decreasing the overall risk of your bike. A common way to do this is to purchase a slip-and-fall insurance endorsement. If living in Oro Valley, AZ, call Old Pueblo Insurance for help.

Saving on Your Motorcycle Insurance 

You can save on your policy if you take a rider education course. Your motorcycle rate will likely increase if you’re over a certain age. Unfortunately, getting a discount on your motorcycle insurance without increasing your risk is impossible. 

Most insurers offer a rate reduction if you install a device in your car that clamps your brakes if you make an unsafe move. Some insurers offer a rate reduction if you take a course on defensive driving. Where you live is another factor. The type of motorcycle you drive matters, too. A sports bike will cost you more to insure than a cruiser. 

Motorcycle insurance premiums can be quite expensive, especially if you have a sports bike. If you want to try to save some money, you can shop around and compare quotes from different insurers. You can also try to get a discount by installing an alarm system on your motorcycle or installing a black box. Many insurers offer discounts if you opt for a no-fault or liability policy. You may be able to get a lower rate if you are over a certain age or meet other eligibility requirements. 


Ensure your motorcycle is well maintained. Poorly maintained motorcycles are riskier to insure and will cost you more in the long run. Each package will be unique depending on the policyholder’s driving history, location, age, and the coverage they select. If you’re stuck, reach out to Old Pueblo Insurance. The company serves Oro Valley, AZ.