Two Main Types of Life Insurance

It’s so important for most adults to have life insurance. Being able to replace your income and provide time for grieving can be done with a life insurance policy left to your heirs. If you don’t have a life insurance policy, call us today at Old Pueblo Insurance in Oro Valley, AZ.

There are two main types of this coverage, and we can help you to pick the right kind for your needs. 

Term Life Insurance

This is one of the main types of life insurance that comes with several benefits and drawbacks. Term life insurance is just like the name suggests- it’s life insurance that is in effect for a specific term. During that term, the life insurance is in full effect in most cases, though some may take a couple of years for the full benefits to be there. This life insurance type is the most inexpensive, a major plus for many families. However, it does have a date when it will expire. After this date, you will have no coverage and will have to find a new insurance policy. 

Whole Life Insurance

This is a very different type of coverage with a higher price tag. However, you get a lot of benefits for the higher cost. The policy has no expiration date and builds a cash value over time. You can keep this policy for as long as you want, no matter how old you get. And over the years, it builds a value you can borrow against. 

Get Your Life Insurance Policy

If you aren’t covered by a life insurance policy, it’s time to get one. Call us at Old Pueblo Insurance in Oro Valley, AZ.